Friday, February 15, 2013


If it was easy to be skinny, nobody would be fat....It takes a lot of work to be fat, as well as it does to be skinny.....

Being skinny is HARD... it is consuming me and every little thing I do, and I'm working my ASS off and I'm seeing results, but hard things arn't easy....everything takes work....alot of work...

Today I had my hardest crossfit work out YET..I was huffing and puffing and oh my god I thought at one point i was going to die, Ottavia was watching me with GIANT eye's, Ashley was shouting at me in a loud voice, sweat was dripping off my face, neck and forehead.....and then it was all done, and I went SPLAT on the floor and layed there for a minute catching my breath.....phew it felt SO GOOD....THATS THE THING, OMG IT FEELS SO DAMN GOOD!! I love that HURT of bending down the next day to pick something up or hardly being able to roll over in bed at night because I can feel my ab muscles bleeding!

I could do things today that I couldn't even do on monday..I'm stronger, I'm 4 pounds less, I feel so good....and now i'm addicted!

anyways, thats what is on my mind. I burnt off all that freaking butter I ate last night while dipping my mouth watering melt in your mouth sweet crab hahahaha!!! But it tasted so delicious!

Happy friday everyone! I'm looking forward to spending lots of family time with my little one and my big one :)