Monday, May 30, 2011

Love you long time...Ottavia's 6 Month Newsletter

Its been ages since my last post so i better do an update!

Ottavia and mommy were on HOLIDAYS!!!! We spent a week in Grande Prairie with Baba and Papa and Ottavia LOVED IT. My mom had all the bells and whistles a baby needs. Every morning when we would come upstairs she'd be looking for them, and greet them with HUGE smiles!

I was really stressed out about flying with her alone, I know its only an hour flight but that could of been the worst hour of my life but she was fine. Screeching and blowing bubbles and the man beside us, smashing toys while laying on the seat, and just looking around and sucking her Sousie.

Ottavia LOVES her soother, like I mean loves it, i try to only keep it in her bed, but she when she is fussy and tired, i give it to her and its like heaven, she does this little moaning thing and rubs her face back and forth, its her little addiction.

We are full on into Solids now, we've tried a lot of new things, and i'm giving her breakfast and supper with 4 bottles a day. Since we started this she sleeps a solid 12 hours, its so more nightime feedings..YAYYYYYYYY

We have since purchased a minivan....i'm a real mom now :) We ended up with the Toyota Sienna and its Wonderfull, No more space issues I have to say its super nice inside and drives so smooth we love it.

There is so much to talk about but i'm running out of time, here are a few picture's of what we've been up too!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Its official, we started Ottavia on real food and its so much fun. I could not wait any longer, she would stare and watch as we ate dinner. On easter sunday i gave her a tiny taste of baked yam and she loved it..its was so miniscul. We finally bought a highchair and i started rice cereal last week, she hated it, so then i put some banana in it, that made it a little more appetizing, banana's were a hit alone, then I added som prunes to the rice cereal, I still got a few gag's..including myself. Today we gave her sweet potatoe again and she LOVED it. It was the first time she opened her mouth when she the spoon coming. I'm hoping that once we get on track with solids 3 times a day I can cut out the night feeding! Here's hoping...although that means one less snuggle with a sleepy baby :( She also loves the mum mum rice crackers...!!

I actually find the whole solids thing a bit confusing on what to give first, when to feed...etc but I got a guide in the mail from Hienz and its been VERY helpfull...I also think its mothers instinct. We are 2 weeks shy of 6 months so i figure we are ready.