Things are changing daily, we are soo busy. I"m always on the go, thanks to the sleep i get at night. We usually put her down at 9pm and she gets up every 3 hours after, her last feeding being around 6-ish then she gets up at 9am. Its perfect, and it works for us. Her long morning nap in her swing is helpfull for me, i have time do what i need to do around the house, including shower.
Last evening while sitting in her bouncey chair helping me make dinner she puked her whole bottle projectile, I totally paniced but it didn't seem to phase her. She was totally hungry after so I'm thinking somethine wasn't digested from the afternoon, maybe to long in her carseat while i was shopping, or...reflux. Thereafter everything was just fine.
She LOVES her bath. She is so adorable in it, i keep the bathroom really warm and the water warmer then luke and she just kicks and plays. Her hair gets greasy if she doesn't bath, she must have her daddys olive oil skin :)
Ottavia has found her thumb, its the most adorable thing, it usually only finds its way in her mouth when she is hungry. SHe is not crazy about the soother but after night feedings i try and stick it in and she soothes herself to sleep which is fine by me. I know they say no props, but she is 3 weeks old and a soother won't kill anyone...that saying if she doesn't gag on it. Almost every ultrasound her thumb was in her mouth so i'm thinking it will only happen more often.
We love you baby girl and can't imagine our life without you. You are so worth the effort. I love going in your room in the morning while your kicking and being such a big girl in your crib waiting patiently for me or daddy to pick you up. I love bringing you down stairs and singing our happy mornin' song while you listen and look around. xoxo
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