With all the nipple drama and won't take the bottle this sleep pattern is making up for everything. I talked to 3 other moms that have babes all within 2 weeks of the same age and they were telling me how they almost slept through the night, if not did... I was so jelous and couldn't figure out why Ottavia wasn't following suit. They were saying it just happened one night.....and that happening.....HAPPENED!!
To back track a bit, Christmas time put us in a rut with her sleeping, it was terrible but when we got home she slept a solid 4 hours for the first time at 4 weeks, I thought that was good. Then she started this habit of called " the 5am monster"...after her 3am feed she would wake up..not really hungry..have a poopsie doopsie sometimes..fuss a bit...and i was not letting this happen so i got a few tips from my mom friends...
the 5 S's from happiest baby on the block
the " cry it out method"
the " feeding right before bed method"
the " soother"
the " don't change the diaper"
Here is what we did, i pushed her last feeding between 10-11 with a soother, instead of trying to put her down at 7 we put her down later between 10 or 11 if she allows us without feeding, we won't starve her. Tried to keep her awake so she was pretty sleepy for the last feed. We fed her, put her down turned on her aquarium and Viola..no crying
So instead of momma sleeping through the night i crept in the room at 3 when i woke up and she was out cold...80 mins later i heard her stir...this was 5 hours so i went in fed her, she slept till 730, talked and watched her aquarium which bought me 20mins to get some things done in the morning and then mornin' started.
Last night same thing but she slept from 10 till 430 and AGAIN i layed awake..what the hell shouldn't i be this sleep deprived mother that falls asleep like crazy?? I guess not. Thats changed from every 3 hours when i used to feed then zonk right out!
We are some happy parents over here!!
Here she is, 7 weeks old today!
You know you've just jinxed yourself for tonight right =)