You have developed so much in the past month and have changed into a little person right before our eyes. You are still such a pleasure to have around, sometimes you never make a peep only if your really tired or hungry or just want to be left alone then you let somebody know. Your starting to make more sounds, pretty soon you will screech with delight, you just about did it today.
You have hit some major milestones. You are getting better at tummy time and holding your head up for longer. You don't cry or hate it as much, sometimes you even give me a big smile, we try and do tummy time 3 times a day even if its only for 2 minutes. You are geting really good and holding your head up but not quite ready for the bumbo chair or an excersaucer. Your wanting to roll over, you still really favour your right side but your starting to lift that part of your body up, I always have the camera ready.
We have really fallen into a great bedtime routine. Mommy and Daddy do it together, as soon as we bring you upstairs and turn on the music you start to relax, we change your diaper, fill your humidifier, heat your bottle, fluff your bead up, we still swaddle you and then give you a bottle and snuggle. You get so sleep sleepy so fast, its like you know its bedtime. When i put you down i usually pop your soother in and your fast asleep. This past week you slept 12 hours straight for 2 nights, I can hear you stir in the night but I don't go in until I know you really need me. We are so proud of you, yet sad, it means your really growing too fast.
In the mornings we also have our routine, daddy usually goes and get you, and give you him a big smile, he changes you and brings you downstairs, sometimes we snuggle in the bed and I nurse you. You are extra cute and snuggly in the morning, we get so excited to see you, I miss you when you sleep. After you eat we have play time on the floor, I call it coffee talk, you really coo and respond to me. You love face time, as long as someone talks to you your pretty happy and you talk back.
You have really started to notice your surroundings, you love your crib aqaurium, your mobile, lights...and even the TV can entertain you for a whole hour while i shower. Your starting to reach out for things and sometimes hit your hand against them, your getting ready to grab on to them. You love to hold onto your bottle with both hands, speaking of bottles we switch to the playtex drop ins this love them, not to mention you are really enjoying the soother..we use it when we need in the carseat!
We continue to do salsa baby class, you usually fall asleep, but everyone can't get over all your hair and blue eyes...will they turn dark or will you be fair skinned unlike mommy or daddy..
This past month you met your gramma and grandpa for the first time, you were such a good little baby and smiled at them, it was quite special.
Ottavia we continue to grow together everyday, you are truly a special little gift to us and although we can't wait to play with you, we enjoy every moment we get. Your such a great little baby....we love you
Love mommy and daddy
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